Friday, November 19, 2010

"Start small, but start."

Hello everyone. Writer/Director Frank T. Ziede here. Our producer Chris Pluchar has been hitting this blog like a champ so I thought I'd take a break from working on the post production of the film to make an entry of my own.

"Start small, but start." - Randy Pausch, from the Last Lecture.

I love this quote. It's one of the reasons why this project began. In my short experience in the world of film I have come to get a sense of what goes into making a feature film. Needless to say, it's a LOT! As James Cameron says "Making a film is like going to war." With that in mind, one could look at this task and say "wow, that's a huge challenge." I know because I have said it. But Pausch's quote really stuck with me. It's very similar to an ancient Chinese proverb:

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Once you begin a journey, a lot of fear and anxiety goes away. You've begun. Move forward, don't look back. That is what keeps me going. And now to see what we've accomplished...incredible. I couldn't be prouder of our entire team. We have banded together and created a series of films that captures what we're capable of. It gives a glimpse of what we can do, and gives a preview of the potential this story can have.

So that's it for now. Please keep checking back with us. We'll keep posting latest news and info and you keep watching out for the undead.


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